Rasa Von Werder aka Kellie Everts – Stripper for God
Here is one of those women that mere words on the Internet can ever truly describe. At 73 years old (as of this writing,) the former stripper, former Playboy model, former body builder, former Miss Nude Universe, and current preacher, is a fixture among the bars of State Street in Binghamton, New York. Although she doesn’t live there full time. She is an spiritual teacher, who says “Her Mission is sent by God to empower women, and to restore the worship of God as Mother.” She appears to also be a photographer, and has written a number of books.
As can be imagined, this remarkable woman, has had an remarkable life story.
She was born on July 16, 1945 in Calw, Baden-Württemberg, Germany as Rosa Sofia Jakstas. Her parents were of Lithuanian, Russian and Mongolian descent and when she was 4 years old they escaped Stalin’s regime only to end up in a displaced person’s camp. About 1950-51 the family was eventually sponsored for a Visa to the United States by Lawrence Henry Chamberlain then Dean of Columbia College. The Dean’s chauffeur was an uncle of Rasa’s.
Her father started an Lithuanian school and she attended Catholic Catechism Class. This early religious upbringing would heavily affect her life later on. Skipping over some emotional abuse from her mother, by age 15 she knew she wanted to be a model. At 16 she was introduced to Andre de Dienes, already famous for his work with Marilyn Monroe. She states “I answered the door butt naked to make sure he would notice me. I was trying to win his interest. It worked.”
They met the next day at the Chelsea Hotel in NYC, and then moved to Venice California. Three weeks later Andre dumped her “basically it’s because I wouldn’t have sex with him.” She soon met her first husband, also abusive and left him. By age 20 she claims “…I had a house in Beverly Hills, I had a live-in maid for the weekends, because I had my child … and a Lincoln Continental in the driveway.” She credits all this due to her spirituality.

Cover model on Titbits
In 1965 she began working with Edmund Leja. The two did at least a dozen sets together, but it’s unclear where those photos ended up. Many of them don’t seem to have been published outside of Leja’s site.
In 1966 Kellie started working with Ron Vogel. As he was such a prolific contributor to so many men’s magazines in those days, it’s likely that the two created a huge body of work. Many of which I’m sure are uncredited. Below are a few we know for sure are by him.
1967 seemed to have been the big year for her. This was the year she won the 3rd Miss Nude Universe contest. It was held at the Oakdale Guest Ranch in Devore, California which is now the Freedom Acres Resort. The pageant had a theme of Mayan – which meant there was a huge “pyramid” by the pool, and the winner was crowned by a guy in fancy robes and a hat.
Kellie, now back to brunette, won the contest. Her biography in the pamphlet for the contest states that she was a dancer at this point, and was looking to get into acting. Playboy puts her profession as “Go-Go Dancer.” She had already acted in a few movies, notably The Girls on F Street and The Swinger.
Various photos of Kellie during the 60s. Some of these are obviously from the nudist resorts, but others are unlabeled. if you know where they came from, please comment below.

Kelly on right with unknown model on left

Kelly on right with unknown model on left

Here’s an photo from her stripping days.

Another of Kellie as a stripper

An undated photo of an exotic looking Kellie by Maurice Seymour
I’m not really sure when she started body building, but she was Miss Body Beautiful in 1974 and doing appearances based on that in 1975. She also wrote the first Female Bodybuilding book during this time and apparently had a thing with Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Her body building competition led to her first appearance in Playboy. In the May, 1977 issue an article titled “Humping Iron” showed and extremely well toned Kellie… Pumping Iron
That turned into 3 months at the Chicago Playboy club, and more appearances in the magazine. She’d appear there 9 times total. About this time she came up with “Stripper for God.” An act of stripping, and preaching that toured the United States and Canada. Not being shy at all, her personal account of the next three years is illuminating.
This led to an appearance on the Morton Downy Jr. Show in 1988; where things didn’t go great. D-Cup Magazine published a transcript of the show. And more pictures.
Today, Kellie now goes by the name Rasa Von Werder. This persona explores the relationship between woman, the Matriarchy and God, and has written a number of books about various Christian Subjects. All no doubt influenced by her time as a stripper.
Magazine Appearances
1965 – Candid (Cover Model)
1966 – Affair Mag. Vol.3 No.2 (June) (Cover Model)
1966 – Nugget (July)
1968 – Fling magazine Vol 11 No 2 (Credited as Rasa)
1968 – Girl illustrated vol 2 no 21
1975 – Titbits (January – No 4634)(Cover Model)
1977 – Playboy (May – Article “Humping Iron”)
1978 – Playboy (July – Article “PLAYBOY’S ROVING EYE”)
1978 – Playboy (October – Article about speech in Washington D.C.)
1978 – Panorama
1978 – Sexy No 35
1979 – Playboy (February – THE YEAR IN SEX PICTORIAL)
1980 – D-Cup (June)
1987 – Sonnenfreunde (May, No 5) (Cover model – reprint of 60’s photoshoot at Nudist colony)
1987 – Painful Pleasures
1989 – Ugens Rapport (May) No. 21, 22.
Unknown – Bizarre Lifestyles Vol.2 No.1
Unknown – Cavalier
Unknown – Leg Show
Unknown – Nude Exploration Vol 2, No1
Acting Credits
1965 – The Raw Ones (Documentary)
1966 – The Girls on F Street (aka Maidens of Fetish Street)
1966 – The Swinger
1968 – She Did It His Way!
1970 – Sexual Freedom in Denmark (Documentary)
1975 – The Mike Douglas Show (TV Series)
1978 – Tom Snyder Show (July 6th, Interview)
1986 – Chastity and the Starlets
1988 – Fashion Strip
1988 – The Morton Downey Jr. Show
1989 – Stand on Your Man
1989 – Lesbian Love Slave
2012 – Évocateur: The Morton Downey Jr. Movie (Documentary)
Unknown – SWV Big Busty Loops #2
Unknown – SWV Big Busty Loops #8
Unknown – SWV Big Busty Loops #10
Kellie Everts official website
Woman Thou Art God Website
The life and times of Rasa Von Werder